Yes, all of our products, Norditropin, Genotropin, Saizen and Humatrope are FDA approved.

You can click the contact menu at the top or click the ORDER HGH button. An associate will contact you as soon as possible. But feel free to give us a call too, our operators are standing by.

  1. We will contact you after receiving your information by email.
  2. After getting all the information we will complete the payment verification.
  3. Once the transaction is completed we will ship your order.
  4. You will receive a tracking number shortly after by email.


As long as we have your order before 2pm Eastern Time we will ship it the same day. Your Injectable HGH order is shipped in a very professional packaging with ice packs inside to ensure the ideal temperature. The orders are shipped overnight via FEDEX in a very careful and discreet way.

There is a fee between $50 USD and $75 USD with FedEx, please note we only use Overnight Delivery and your product will arrive with ice packs to preserve the product. Please also note we do not try to make a profit from freight.

We will provide you with needles or tips free of charge for Norditropin.For our other products please feel free to ask our sales associates.

You will start noticing results after the first month. The results may vary from one person to another, according to your lifestyle the best results can be noticed after 2-3 months.

We will be glad to receive your call from Monday- Saturday 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Eastern Time. You can send us emails at any time.

The best place to inject HGH is in the fat tissue under the layers of your skin. This type of injection is called subcutaneous and it ensures a great bioavailability for the medication.


Besides, studies report that in the body compared to other injection methods which more closely resembles a physiological growth hormone secretion. On the other hand, intramuscular injections lead to far too quick absorption.

As evidence suggests the method allows for a broader range of suitable injection sites, a lower risk of infection, and less pain.

The typical subcutaneous injection sites include:

  • abdominal area, at least 2 inches away from the belly button
  • outer areas of the upper arms and thighs
  • back and lower loins


Nevertheless, injection sites need to be rotated frequently, because repeated subcutaneous injection on the same spot can lead to lipoatrophy. This is a localized loss of fat that leads to the formation of a small dent in the skin.

Lipoatrophy is a typical adverse effect for all kinds of subcutaneous injections and it can be completely avoided by rotating injection sites as studies show.

Thus, brands may have different instructions for injecting depending on the exact form of the medication. Some GH products come in powder form. They must be mixed and reconstituted with a diluent such as bacteriostatic water to become suitable for injection. Others are prefilled (in liquid form) or even preloaded in an injector pen which makes it easier to use and dose.

The best injectable forms of HGH on the market include Omnitrope, Norditropin, Saizen, Genotropin, and Humatrope and each has official instructions and policies related to its proper use.

However, there are general safety principles that you should always follow when preparing and administering your injections.

Norditropin comes as prefilled and preloaded FlexPro pens. They contain either 5, 10, 15, or 30 mg HGH in a volume of 1.5 ml or 3 ml. The pen can also use AutoCover needles and PenMate cover to hide the needle for people who prefer not to see that part of their injector pens.
Genotropin comes in reconstitution devices with two-chamber cartridges. The front chamber contains either 5mg or 12 mg HGH, while the rear chamber contains 1.14 ml diluent. After reconstitution, GH can be injected using a multi-dose Genotropin Pen. Alternatively, there are single-use syringe devices with a two-chamber cartridge called Genotropin Miniquicks. They contain a single dose of 0.2 mg to 2 mg.2 HGH and must be discarded right after use.
Humatrope comes in a 5 mg vial that requires reconstitution or cartridges that contain either 6 mg, 12 mg, or 24 mg of HGH. The cartridges have to be loaded in a HumatroPen injection device to be administered subcutaneously. There is also an option for Hidden Needle Cover.

The best time for HGH injection appears to be in the evening according to a study in patients. Taking the injection about an hour before bed leads to an HGH release that is more similar to the natural synthesis in healthy individuals.



On the other hand, taking GH in the morning resulted in a lower HGH availability and slightly lower Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) levels. Nevertheless, there wasn’t an increased insulin resistance after administering the medication in the morning even though there were 2 meal intakes right after the injection.

Whether you are taking HGH on an empty stomach or not is unlikely to influence the effectiveness of your therapy. According to evidence, subcutaneous injections lead to a peak in blood GH concentration 4-5 hours after administration and the levels remain elevated for a total of 8-12 hours.

If you take growth hormone right after a meal, the increase in insulin stimulated by food intake would diminish completely by the time GH reaches peak concentrations. It is more important to be consistent with the time and place of daily HGH injections in order to create a routine and reduce the risk of missing a dose.



The human growth hormone has a major effect on the development of the male reproductive organs during childhood and adolescence.

Studies report that children with congenital GHD often present with micropenis. If left untreated, the condition may persist throughout adulthood.

On the other hand, the administration of HGH early during childhood seems to reverse the process. HGH therapy in children significantly increses body height and penis length.

The scientists also point out the fact that children with congenital GHD developed micropenis even when testosterone levels were normal. Another trial confirms that HGH stimulates Penile growth without Testosterone

The effect of HGH on the growth of the penis and the testicles is mediated by the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Currently, the exact pathogenic link between the two conditions remains unknown.

HGH may be vital for normal penis growth by increasing the sensitivity of the tissued to the male sex hormones such as testosterone.

Studies in grown men report that IGF-1 levels correlated with measures of sexual function

Furthermore, in vitro experiments reveal that adequate GH levels are important for normal erectile function. The growth hormone stimulates the relaxation of the smooth muscles in the vessels of the penis, improving blood flow and erections.

However, the effect of HGH on penile growth in adults is uncertain. Only preliminary evidence from one case study reports that a combination of testosterone and HGH therapy led to a significant increase in penis size but only in patients with a micropenis (a flaccid penis less than 2.75 inches in length).

But what you can be sure of is that HGH therapy results in improved physical appearance and overall quality of life.

First Effects Men Should Expect

In only a few weeks, you’ll begin to experience the benefits of HGH therapy. These include a marked increase in energy and feeling refreshed each morning because of better, longer, more restful sleep. Your energy won’t dissipate throughout the day..

Most patients report strong benefits within a few weeks of beginning the treatment

How Long to Wait for Results

HGH injection results do not happen overnight. After all, it took quite some time for the changes you see in your body right now. Some of the benefits will occur during the first month, others may take a few months longer. By the end of six months of injections, results will be evident from head to toe.

Some of the best results of HGH for men include:

  • Increased Energy, Drive and Determination. Your energy levels will enable you to perform better at work and increase physical activity.
  • Strengthening Your Bodily Functions. You should gradually notice improved health as a result of increased cell regeneration and better metabolism. Your muscles will grow stronger with regular exercise, and bone density will increase to fight osteoporosis and other risks like broken hips.
  • Increased Brain Function. HGH therapy can improve memory, problem-solving skills and concentration.
  • Improved Lifestyle and Personal Development. You’ll have more energy and increased sex drive.
  • Weight Loss. Many patients are able to lose weight after starting  HGH therapy 

Growth hormone naturally decreases in your body as you age. However, damage to the pituitary gland can cause an abnormal decrease in growth hormone secretion. Prescribed therapy can help with it and improve bone density, muscle strength, energy levels, motivation and libido. It may also be able to treat some of the following issues if they stem from low GH.

  • Anxiety
  • Belly Fat
  • Heart disease
  • Fatigue
  • Decreased concentration

In addition, many adults are using growth hormone therapy for anti-aging these days. Increasing numbers of people are choosing growth hormone treatment for general vitality and all-over tissue health. Sadly, there has not been much research into how this treatment could increase human longevity.


One review of a study performed since 1989 looked at over 200 adults who used growth hormones compared to a similarly sized group that did not use the hormone. Although the study could not prove that HGH improved cholesterol levels or decreased the risk of cancer, it did show that subjects using HGH increased their lean body mass while losing several pounds of body fat simultaneously.

HGH therapy for seniors has proven increasingly popular as well. A 1999 study showed that a multi-week treatment for elderly women improved bone mineral density in the spine, increased handgrip and reduced seniors’ waist to hip ratios.