What benefits might HGH therapy provide to me?

If you are experiencing a deficiency in HGH production from the pituitary glands, HGH therapy may be able to help patients experience a vast number of benefits, including:

Improved energy

Increased libido

Increased capacity to exercise

Stimulation of hair growth

Reduction in wrinkles

Improved skin elasticity

HGH also influences the metabolism of the body’s cells, as well as the production of other hormones and proteins. This is why it is critical to address low human growth hormone levels.

Increasing HGH Levels

There are a number of different ways that can increase a person’s HGH levels. One of the most common methods of HGH therapy is via injections. However, since the HGH in the injections can interact with certain medications, it is critical to only undergo this therapy.

What are common symptoms of aging that HGH therapy may help to treat?

Aging can result in a number of symptoms that can not only be frustrating but also impact your quality of life. HGH therapy can help treat a number of these symptoms, including:

Extra fat around midsection


Hair Loss

Dry, thin skin

Reduced libido

HGH has many benefits. Below is a 3-month breakdown of how HGH affects patients. HGH stimulates the patient’s own pituitary gland by binding to specific receptors that increase the production and secretion of HGH.


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In today’s world, people are seeking guidance on ways to remain healthy, active, and happy as they age. Anti-aging and preventive medicine is focused on the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of age-related disorders. More than just longevity, anti-aging medicine seeks to increase the length of time that we are able to live an active, productive, and independent life. In short, the goal is not only to put more years on your life, but more life in your years!

One of the most effective weapons in the age-management arsenal is Hormone Optimization. Countless studies have shown that normalizing hormone levels can significantly benefit our health as we age. For example, a recent study published in the Oxford Journals concluded that men whose testosterone levels were restored to normal had a lower risk of stroke, heart attack or death from any cause, compared to those men whose low testosterone was not treated. With results like these, it’s no wonder that Testosterone and Growth Hormone Replacement therapies have gained widespread acceptance in recent years.


Growth hormone (GH) is produced by the pituitary gland. This, in turn, stimulates the liver to aid in producing another hormone known as insulin-like growth factor 1, or IGF-1. For adults, these hormones play a critical role in many important metabolic processes throughout the body. Adult growth hormone deficiency (AGHD) is a condition that occurs when the pituitary gland fails to produce enough growth hormone (HGH), which often occurs with age.

According to the Society for Endocrinology, symptoms of AGHD can include;

Those with age-related growth hormone deficiency experience a wide range of symptoms. These symptoms can lessen your ability to function both socially and professionally, which can dramatically diminish your overall quality of life.


Simply put, testosterone is responsible for everything that makes a man, a man. But as we age, our ability to produce testosterone begins to decline. This can lead to a deficiency that results in a loss of lean muscle mass, decreased sex drive and diminished sexual function (i.e. erectile dysfunction), lack of energy, impaired concentration, feelings of sadness and irritability, loss of bone strength, and an increase in body fat especially around the midsection that can increase the risk of stroke, heart disease and diabetes.

In the past, family doctors told their male patients that these symptoms were a natural part of the aging process; and were more likely to suggest a rocking-chair as a solution. Fortunately, today this condition is universally recognized as low testosterone (Low T) and can be easily corrected with testosterone replacement therapy.


A simple blood test can determine your testosterone level, but it takes more than this to make a diagnosis of Low T. Everybody is different, so although you family doctor may tell you that your testosterone level is within the “normal” range, you may still be experiencing the debilitating symptoms of Low T. This is because estrogen, SHBG and other factors may be affecting his “Free” or usable testosterone.


Fortunately, Low T is easily treated with a testosterone replacement program; referred to as Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). For the past 70 years testosterone replacement has been used with great success, and has recently gained widespread acceptance. In addition to enhancing sex drive, sexual performance, and erectile function; testosterone can also increase your energy, strength and stamina, promote lean muscle growth, reduce body fat, and improve your sense of self-confidence. The benefits of testosterone replacement therapy include:

Every day, TRT is improving the lives of men who, in the past, would have been left no other option than to suffer in silence. But things have changed; today, men are refusing to get old before their time; they’re restoring their youthful testosterone levels and getting a new lease on life!*

HGH therapy is a treatment to increase the levels of human growth hormone (HGH) if its levels are reduced and the body doesn’t produce the natural growth hormone in a proper way.

Treatment involves an injection of recombinant bio-synthetic growth hormone, a substance that is also known as somatropin.

Growth hormone is important, but its production declines naturally as we age. Having good levels of HGH can increase energy, help weight loss, build muscle, increase sexual drive, increase strength, and boost the immune system.

Who will benefit from HGH treatment?

Men and women wishing to receive HGH therapy usually fall into one of three groups and these are:

All of the above will only benefit from HGH therapy if they have low levels of somatotrophin (growth hormone) in their blood. Approximately 90-95% of adults with growth hormone deficiency will benefit from HGH therapy.

HGH Therapy Can

  1. Help reduce excess body fat, especially around the abdominal area, and many people find this to be the most profound effect of using replacement therapy.
  2. Increase muscle mass and strength in case if it’s combined with moderate exercise.
  3. Reduce some effects of skin aging such as wrinkles.
  4. Help to rejuvenate certain internal organs that may have atrophied during aging.
  5. Increase bone density.
  6. Help to strengthen the immune system.
  7. Help to stimulate the production of bone marrow cells.
  8. Reverse cognitive decline, helping to reduce the possibility of needing to spend your twilight years in a nursing home.


HGH Therapy Cannot

  1. HGH therapy cannot reverse the effects of cardiovascular disease, though it may help to reduce its progression through improving cholesterol levels.
  2. It’s not able to eliminate the effects of oxidation damage.
  3. It cannot eliminate the effects of low levels of other hormones. In fact, if you are deficient in certain hormones then this could decrease the beneficial effects of HGH therapy. This is why it is required to undergo the overall diagnostics and lab tests to learn your hormone state.
  4. It cannot completely eliminate the damage caused by exposure to excessive ultraviolet light.
  5. It will not increase your maximum lifespan, although those with HGH or IGF-1 genetic defects may find it extends the life expectancy.


Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency

Adult growth hormone deficiency (AGHD) can be treated with recombinant human growth hormone (rHGH). This is a medically supervised treatment that can be beneficial on a number of different levels.

Low levels of hormone or HGH may have been caused by menopause or andropause. We are able to treat low hormone symptoms which include loss of muscle, lower sex drive, weight gain, night sweats, fatigue, mood swings, and sleep issues.

AGHD will be treated using a medically supervised HGH treatment program using recombinant human growth hormone. Our clinics and doctors are experienced in treating adults who exhibit symptoms and problems associated with AGHD as well as other hormone-related health issues.

Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy, also called androgen replacement therapy, is approved to treat male hypogonadism (low testosterone or “Low T”), a condition in which the body fails to make enough hormones because of a problem with the testicles, pituitary gland, or brain.

Men use testosterone products to help with fatigue, erectile dysfunction, and loss of sex drive. A number of prescription testosterone products are available to treat hypogonadism. Testosterone products come in different forms, including gels, injectable solutions, patches, pills, and pellets implanted under the skin.


Fast Facts: Use of Testosterone Therapy Over the Years

  1. American men spend $2 billion on testosterone each year
  2. Four times as many men used testosterone products in 2014 than in 2000
  3. In 2013, 2.3 million Americans were treated with testosterone therapy
  4. In 2011, nearly one in 25 men in their 60s were taking testosterone
  5. Prescription sales of testosterone increased from $18 million in 1988 to $1.6 billion in 2011


Injections (Depo-Testosterone)

First approved in 1979, Depo-Testosterone is one of the older drugs of its kind on the market. It’s a liquid and is designed for injection deep into the gluteal muscle. The active ingredient, testosterone cypionate, is a white or creamy white powder mixed with other ingredients to make a solution. The drug is available in two strengths, 100 mg, and 200 mg.

Why Men Use Testosterone Therapy

Unusually high or low levels of testosterone can significantly affect a man’s physical and mental health. Men typically use testosterone drugs to address a medical issue — like Low T or erectile dysfunction— or to enhance their physical performance.

Treating Low T

Testosterone levels in men start to spike during puberty and drop on average by 1 percent every year after age 30. Lack of this key sex hormone in older men can cause health issues, including osteoporosis, loss of muscle mass and strength (sarcopenia), and psychological symptoms. Doctors prescribe testosterone drugs to treat these symptoms.

While declining testosterone levels tend to be part of normal aging in men, others experience the dip because of disorders of the testicles, pituitary gland, and brain that cause hypogonadism. Other factors — such as injury to the testicles, cancer treatments, chronic diseases, and stress — can also contribute to low testosterone production.

The FDA has approved testosterone as replacement therapy only for men who have low testosterone levels due to disorders that cause hypogonadism. However, the trusted source has said testosterone is being widely used to try to relieve symptoms in men who have low testosterone for no apparent reason other than aging.

Types of testosterone to be replaced


Doctors analyze testosterone levels in two categories: total testosterone and free testosterone. Most testosterone is attached to a protein called sex hormone-binding globulin (SHGB). A small amount of testosterone is free, and a small amount regularly attaches and detaches itself from a protein called albumin. Any testosterone that is not attached to SHGB is considered free testosterone.

Remedying Erectile Dysfunction

Some men turn to testosterone to increase sex drive and treat erectile dysfunction (ED), which is the inability to get and keep erections. In fact, according to an article published by Harvard Health Publications, some doctors used it to treat ED before Pfizer released Viagra in 1998.
It’s well established that testosterone by itself, for men with sexual dysfunction that includes erectile dysfunction, can improve erections in the majority of men who take it, according to hormone experts.
However, only about 5 percent of men experience ED solely from low testosterone. Low testosterone levels can be a contributing factor to ED but are more likely to reduce sexual desire than cause ED. Many doctors won’t consider prescribing testosterone to a patient unless he presents certain other symptoms, too.

Some men may require testosterone and Viagra together in order to have adequate erections.

Enhancing Physical Performance

Since testosterone allows men to increase muscle mass and performance, athletes and bodybuilders use testosterone-boosting supplements and drugs to increase strength and improve recovery time. The practice of using these drugs is called “doping.” Athletes use both synthetic and bioidentical supplements. Bodybuilders in particular are known for their use of synthetic hormones to rapidly increase muscle mass.

Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland to stimulate cell regeneration, growth and maintenance. It is critical to maintaining bones, muscles, organs, tissue and heart function. Growth hormone raises the concentration of glucose and free fatty acids and stimulates the production of IGF-1, which stimulates growth in a variety of tissues including bone.


Enhancing Physical Performance


Since testosterone allows men to increase muscle mass and performance, athletes and bodybuilders use testosterone-boosting supplements and drugs to increase strength and improve recovery time. The practice of using these drugs is called “doping.” Athletes use both synthetic and bioidentical supplements. Bodybuilders in particular are known for their use of synthetic hormones to rapidly increase muscle mass.

Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland to stimulate cell regeneration, growth and maintenance. It is critical to maintaining bones, muscles, organs, tissue and heart function. Growth hormone raises the concentration of glucose and free fatty acids and stimulates the production of IGF-1, which stimulates growth in a variety of tissues including bone.



  • Increases muscle mass
  • Promotes the breakdown of fats and lipids
  • Increases cell production and regeneration
  • Stimulates the growth of organs
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Helps maintain the balance of physiologic processes
  • Reduces liver uptake of glucose


  • Helps maintain pancreatic islets
  • Promotes the synthesis of glucose in the liver from non-carbohydrate sources
  • Increases calcium retention and strengthens mineralization of bone
    The production of growth hormone begins to decline as early as age 35 and continues to decline as we get older. Other factors that can affect the secretion of growth hormone include; diet, exercise, stress, other hormones and sleep.


Symptoms of low HGH include

  • Decrease in muscle mass
  • Increase in body fat
  • Decrease in bone density (osteoporosis)
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Hair loss
  • Depression
  • Dry skin
  • Fatigue
  • Increased triglycerides
  • Insulin resistance
  • Impaired immune system


9 Benefits of HGH

  1. Increased muscle strength
  2. Weight loss and decreased risk of obesity
  3. Reduced erectile dysfunction
  4. Improved cardiovascular health
  5. Increased bone density
  6. Improved cognitive function
  7. Improved sense of well being
  8. Improved sleep
  9. Improved bone fracture healing


Critical hormones for men include

  • Growth Hormone (HGH)
  • DHEA
  • Thyroid
  • Cortisol
  • Melatonin
  • Insulin
  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
  • Testosterone


Age Management Includes

  • Bioidentical hormone therapy
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Stress reduction

Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a stress hormone produced by the pituitary gland to stimulate cell regeneration, growth and maintenance. It is critical to maintaining bones, muscles, organs, tissue and heart function. Growth hormone raises the concentration of glucose and free fatty acids and stimulates the production of IGF-1, which stimulates growth in a variety of tissues including bone.

Men and athletes have been using HGH for its anti-aging and regenerative properties for years but today, more and more women are experiencing the benefits of human growth hormone therapy. The production of human growth hormone in women begins to decline in their 20’s and they start to experience the symptoms of aging in their 30’s including; dry skin, thinning hair, weight gain, wrinkles, age spots, thinner skin and muscle loss. Women taking growth hormone see an improvement in their body-fat ratio, improved skin elasticity, reduced risk of osteoporosis, improved sleep patterns and fuller healthier hair.

The production of growth hormone begins to decline as early as age 25 in women and continues to decline as we get older. Other factors that can affect the secretion of growth hormone include; diet, exercise, stress, other hormones and sleep.

Symptoms of reduced levels of HGH include

  • Decrease in muscle mass
  • Increase in body fat
  • Decrease in bone density (osteoporosis)
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Hair loss
  • Depression
  • Dry skin
  • Fatigue
  • Increased triglycerides
  • Insulin resistance
  • Impaired immune system


Benefits of HGH

  • Increased sexual desire
  • Improved skin elasticity
  • Increased muscle strength
  • Weight loss and decreased risk of obesity
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Increased bone density
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Improved sense of well being
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved bone fracture healing


Critical Hormones for Women

  • Cortisol
  • Estrogen
  • Progesterone
  • Testosterone
  • Growth Hormone
  • Insulin
  • DHEA
  • Thyroid
  • Melatonin
  • Pregnenolone


Proper Age Management Medicine can help

  • Decrease body fat
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Improve insulin and hormone levels
  • Increase energy levels
  • Increase sexual vitality
  • Improve mental acuity
  • Improve the skin’s overall appearance